Green Metals Inc. | Environmental Policy
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Environmental Policy

The Toyota Tsusho Group’s Environmental Policy

  1. As good corporate citizens, and in harmony with our Code of Conduct and Ethics (COCE) we will carry out our business activities in consideration of the earth’s environment, constantly aiming to preserve our natural surroundings, conserve energy, and recycle resources. In addition, we will take every step to ensure that our activities do not pollute the environment.
  2. In collaboration with our customers and associated companies, we will seek to make practical use of industrial waste, actively promote environmentally related businesses, such as resource conservation. Through these efforts, we aim to contribute to the realization of a recycling-based economy.
  3. In our business activities, we will observe all environmentally related laws and regulations and industry standards and any other requirements with which we fully concur.
  4. We will maintain our environmental management system to implement and constantly evaluate our environmental protection activities, and will demonstrate creativity in targeting continuous improvement in all environmental endeavors.
  5. Through internal education programs, we will promote a thorough understanding of our environmental policy, thereby raising the environmental awareness of our entire staff.