Green Metals, Inc. corporate offices are located in Georgetown, Kentucky (U.S.), in the heart of “Automotive Alley” on the Interstate 75 corridor.
The company is also establishing additional operations in the region and working to go on-line at sites around the country.
112 Skylab Drive
Huntsville, AL 35806
Phone: (256) 859-0476, FAX: (256) 859-8736
(at MTM site)
9000 Greenbrier Parkway, Building 63
Madison, AL 35756
Phone: (256) 617-6075
234E 350S
Princeton, IN 47670
Phone: (812) 385-3814, FAX: (812) 385-3694
1034 Corolla Lane
Blue Springs, MS 38828
Phone: (662) 534-5447, FAX: (662) 534-7066
1759 F.E. Wright Dr.
Jackson, TN 38301
Phone: (731) 427-7630
1 Lone Star Pass Bldg 15
San Antonio, TX 78264
Phone: (210) 208-6980, FAX: (210) 208-6989
Eleanor Industrial Park
155 Industrial Drive
P.O. Box 265
Eleanor, WV 25070
Phone: (304) 741-1006
224 Beards Lane,
Woodstock N4S 7W3
Phone: (519) 539-1313, FAX: (519) 539-5130
1 Cotton Valley Drive
Huntsville, AL 35810
Phone: (256) 746-5643
(at MTM site)
9000 Greenbrier Parkway, Building 65
Madison, AL 35756
Phone: (256) 617-6175
4000 Tulip Tree Drive
Princeton, IN 47670
Phone: (812) 387-3539, FAX: (812) 387-3016
1001 Cherry Blossom Way
Georgetown, KY 40324
Phone: (502) 868-3959, FAX: (502) 868-3985
1200 Magnolia Way
Blue Springs, MS 38828
Phone: (662) 317-4240
5938 Julian Airport Road
Liberty, NC 27298
1 Lone Star Pass Bldg 13
San Antonio, TX 78264
Phone: (210) 208-6991, FAX: (210) 208-6999
#1 Sugar Maple Lane
Buffalo, WV 25033
Phone: (304) 937-7721, FAX: (304) 937-7722